Light Wave Intuitive Healing


Stephanie Klingler has 20 years experience as a SRT practitioner, including 15 years as a certified SRT teacher and consultant. In addiiton, she has an extensive education and background in art therapy, herbal remedies, homeopathy, crystal chakra healing, sacred geometry, and other forms of vibrational healing. Her passion for aligning the power of body and spirit to create abundance has inspired her to focus on the myriad ways we hold onto beliefs that tie us to a state of lowered vitality, vibration, and unhappiness. When we suffer we cannot be free. And freedom is our birthright--the divine gift of being fully present in our own life.

Setting up a session:


phone/text: 609.529.1897

session fees:

$150.00 for a full clearing or body work session (1 hour)




Lightwave Intuitive Healing