Light Wave Intuitive Healing


 Balancing the body's energetic pathways:
the chakras and the aura

Our bodies are pure electromagnetic energy and in consant motion.
Gateways that bring energy into the body include the chakra system and the aura.
By finding and releasing the heavy, discordant energy blocking these two energetic pathways, the body has more vitality, power, enthusiam, and freedom. Positive emotions become the new normal, instead of the heavy negative ones.

The seven major chakras

What are Chakras?

The chakras are areas of very high energetic density along body's natural pathways, the meridians.  A balanced chakra has energy flowing through it and is harmony. When our charkras are in balance, our bodies are in balance: healthy, vital, and grounded. Blocked chakras are out of balance and can resonate with imbalances in the body, thoughts, and emotions.


Connection to Spirit, to creation, to divine truth


Intuition, ideas, creativity, dreams


Communiation, expression, freedom


Love, trust, relationships, foriveness

Solar Plexus:

Personal power, emotions


Connection to others, confidence


Survival, grounding, earth connection


The Aura: The body's energy field.

Elliptical in shape and surrounding the physical body, the aura is a field of etheric energy that is as much a
part of you as any other aspect of your physical self.

The Physical Aura:
 This is closest to the body: this is our connection to the energies surrounding us, our energy communication channel.

The Etheric Aura:
The second layer: protective barrier to the physical, defends against dis-ease that may be held in the outer aura.

The Emotional Aura:
The layer where we hold emotion: when this is clear and positive we align with positive houghts and emotions

The Vital Aura:
essential to health: dis-ease appears here before physical symptoms and changes size
and color continuously according to mood; health; feelings and emotions

The Astral Aura :
also changes size and shape, and is involved in all out of body experiences, acting as a bridge between
the body and the universe

The Lower Mental Plane:
the edge of the aura and the boundary of our human energy system. It can develop holes or rips which
drain energy and can make one prone to illness

The Higher Mental Plane:
Our connection to source helps us distinguish Truth from illusion, and make concious
choices to choose love instead of self defeating negativity and brings awareness that we are One with creation.


Lightwave Intuitive Healing