Light Wave Intuitive Healing



Body work: bringing healing energy into the physical.

Using a technique called Spiritual Restructuring and other modalities, including Body Codes, it is possible to vibrationally research and clear issues that may be causing imbalances in the physical. 



As part of the SRT process, the art of SPIRITUAL RESTRUCTURING brings the healing process of SRT to the body. Restructuring  is based on the following assumptions:

1. Universal healing energy exists and is available to everyone:  we are all capable of choosing to heal

2. Thought follows intention:  as you set your thoughts and emotions to heal, the body will respond   

3. SPIRIT does the healing when our soul allows the healing to happen--past life wounds can still block our present physical reality so we need to be able to find and clear them

4.  The body has intelligence: the body is the physical vehicle of spirit, it knows how to heal itself, the body knows what it needs in order to receive the healing energy. For example, perhaps by unblocking one muscle, the entire body may come into alignment.

5. The Law of Mind-Action: this is the law of cause and effect and many health challenges are influenced by negative thoughts like  "I will never heal" or "If I heal, I will be harmed" or "If I heal, others will abandon me" .   When we hold positive thoughts about our body, charge them with love, amazing things happen!

In a Spiritual Restructuring clearing, diet and food issues or allergies are researched and cleared. We can explore what kind of foods and food groups are good or not good for your body as well as the types of herbs and homepathic remedies that could support healing.


Lightwave Intuitive Healing